




  • 客户名称 :    奶牛布克
  • 服务内容 :    母婴品牌设计、母婴logo设计、母婴vi设计、母婴包装设计、母婴空间设计、母婴网站设计
  • 创作日期 :    2021-01-03






IP enabled space designSystematic brand experience




In terms of space design, we hope to make the main consumer groups -- Bao Ma, feel surrounded by love and gentleness after entering the store, and further narrow the distance between consumers and the brand.Starting from the IP image, we associate with the fluid form of milk, so as to extend the form structure with rhythm and rhythm between points, lines and surfaces, presenting a sense of field surrounding care.This design not only amplifies the inherent drama of IP image, but also makes the brand more systematic and complete, realizing the systematic creation of brand name, brand role, IP image and space.







Color psychology to create a pure guardian space





In the choice of space color, we use color psychology corresponding to the space scene, and extend the brand color -- green as the main color. Green brings people hope, life, safety and other value associations, and is a color that can make people feel quiet and comfortable.It is a potential energy hint and a symbol of the brand's pure guardian attitude towards pregnant mothers and new lives







The whole space is divided into two levels:
The first floor is dominated by commodity retail. The brightest spiral staircase is taken as the first visual center of the whole space, delineating a clear consumer experience path, and the whole purchase process unfolds with the "spatial flow".At the bottom of the stairs, Booker the cow makes his debut in "position C" in the center of the space to witness and accompany the growth of the new life. Every baby is the protagonist, come on stage with Booker, open a wonderful life! Babies are protected by their mothers, and Booker takes care of their mothers.We have specially created a "private" space to provide Bao Ma products. Walking in the space with a sense of package will give you a sense of security. At the same time, the blooming large flower installation symbolizes the tenderness and beauty of women, and is also an expression of self-blooming.In addition, we also designed a space where mothers can talk to each other. We hope mothers can walk in here and let go of the pressure of daily life and feel understood, cared for and embraced.






二层分内外两个区域,外空间展示零售寝具服饰,内空间提供宝宝洗浴服务。洗浴空间的设计,不仅要美观,还要符合实际操作流程,这样才能提升门店的运营效率,更好地为门店经营赋能,因此我们大到功能布局,小到物件收纳,每一处的设计都经过了仔细的斟酌,希望尽可能保证每个宝宝在洗浴过程中都得到最贴心的呵护 。整个空间的设计,顾客都能够时刻感受到“布克”无处不在的关怀,享受富有温度感的服务体验,这也是ayx·爱游戏(中国)官方网站 团队和奶牛布克品牌共同的希望。


The second floor is divided into two areas: the outer space displays retail bedding and clothing, and the inner space

provides baby bathing services. The design of bathing space should not only be beautiful, but also conform to the actual operation process, so as to improve the operation efficiency of the store and better empower the store operation.Therefore, we have carefully considered the design of every place from the functional layout to the storage of objects, hoping to ensure that each baby gets the most intimate care in the bath process.Throughout the design of the space, customers can always feel the ubiquitous care of "Booker" and enjoy the warm service experience, which is the common hope of Barton team and Cow Booker brand.










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