

“壹禾阳光”是来自台湾的烘培品牌,一直追求天然无添加的优质食材,后厨团队由台湾国宝级烘培大师何文信担任技术总监把控产品,四十年专注烘培产品研发。现在的壹禾在全台有五家门市。大陆旗舰店位于杭州新天地5050城市广场,ayx·爱游戏(中国)官方网站 团队为壹禾品牌全新设计了LOGO、Vi设计、IP形象设计、专卖店空间设计及产品包装设计。

品牌名称解读:壹禾阳光之“壹”表达品牌专注于一个领域,用心做好一件事,对产品极度追求的匠心精神。“禾”代表最天然的原材料。“阳光”代表了健康、自然、天然、正能量 。 英文名称“ Yohoo sollys ”是壹禾的谐音,也是丹麦语阳光的意思,壹禾同时也主打丹麦款开酥类。

核心创意解读:品牌LOGO以“禾”字象形字为切入点设计成壹禾阳光特有的超级符号,增强受众记忆度, 同时又是品牌首字母“Y”“H”结合。整体太阳圆圈造型结合品牌名称,寓示品牌追求健康、阳光、天然的品牌理念。同时围绕健康、阳光、天然关键词为“壹禾阳光” 打造出特有的呼鹿IP形象,鹿代表着对自然的崇敬,是天然的象征。 整体品牌形象围绕着品牌名称传递出的健康、阳光、天然的品牌理念进行完美的表现。

  • 客户名称 :    壹禾阳光面包坊
  • 服务内容 :    烘焙品牌设计、烘焙VI设计、专卖店设计、IP设计、产品包装设计、烘焙logo设计
  • 创作日期 :    2017-11-20




壹禾大陆旗舰门市项目地址在杭州市下城区新天地 5050 城市广场,新天地项目总体量 18 万方,

由亚洲最大的 IMX 国际影城,占地 7000 馀方的香港黄玉郎儿童中心,MMC BOX 新青年夜店,加拿大“国宝”太阳马戏团亚洲唯一常驻点等特色项目组成,是杭州地标性城市综合体。


The project address of Yihe Mainland flagship store is located at 5050 City Square, Xintiandi, Xiacheng District, Hangzhou city. The total volume of Xintiandi project is 180,000 square meters.
It is a landmark urban complex of Hangzhou, consisting of Asia's largest IMX International Cineplex, Hong Kong Wong Yu Lang Children's Center covering an area of more than 7,000 square meters,

MMC BOX, a new youth nightclub, and cirque du Soleil, Canada's "national treasure", as the only permanent location in Asia.




壹禾杭州旗舰门市整体设计风格由拉丝香槟金不锈钢,黑胡桃木饰面,黑白根大理石石材为主材, 这几种材质的搭配使得一禾阳光大陆旗舰店极具特色,



The overall design style of One Wo Hangzhou flagship store is mainly made of brushed champagne gold stainless steel, black walnut veneer and black and white marble stone.

The collocation of these materials makes one Wo Sunshine mainland flagship store very distinctive.Combined with the design style of hangzhou Xintiandi 5050 City Square rebuilt from the original crane factory,

the store focuses on the combination of light industry and light luxury, featuring the most pure Taiwanese bread and French desserts,

and strives to build hangzhou flagship store into the most stylish mainland store in Yihe Sunshine.





吊顶的造型是从 一禾logo演变而来,不锈钢材质的运用使整体空间更为通透从视觉上扩大了空间面积,



The shape of the suspended ceiling is evolved from yihe LOGO. The use of stainless steel makes the overall space more transparent and visually expands the space area.
The column is wrapped with stainless steel material, which weakens the sense of congestion of the column, but looks like a sculpture, giving people the beauty of metal.

Ground black and white stone,combined with jazz white collocation, very young and fashionable.







The underpass booth sets a small stage for the main body of the proposal. The 40-inch LED screen shows the details of love between lovers. The exquisite French dessert is the best cover for the proposal.
The decoration of front flower wall decorates the thick affection honey meaning between lovers, can meet violinist, let your proposal ceremony romantic only beautiful and have new idea extremely.
This area is the love wall, used for marriage proposal, group photo, and other shooting needs. 







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