


ayx·爱游戏(中国)官方网站 空间与咔猫品牌携手创新,从品牌整体的视觉输出开始,希望颠覆消费者对推拿馆的传统认知,将咔猫打造成一家新奇酷的“潮系养生”体验店,将咔猫推向全新的体验维度!

  • 客户名称 :    KAMO 咔猫
  • 服务内容 :    推拿品牌策划、推拿品牌设计、VI设计、IP吉祥物设计、LOGO设计、推拿空间设计
  • 创作日期 :    2022-03-26





Store is the carrier of the brand visual system. According to the brand strategy, cost control should be taken into account on the basis of design aesthetics,
and the overall principle of light cost, easy dissemination, fast franchise should be followed.While taking into account the construction cost,
the design of the store presents the business attributes and brand connotation clearly and efficiently,
attracting consumers with differentiated and characteristic brand vision and delivering the brand value of KAMO.




On colorific apply, the choice applies colour psychology, the color that can improve mood - yellow implants a space. Yellow, as a brand color, gives a light,
transparent and hopeful psychological suggestion, and gives the space the cognition of healthy sunshine.




In the space line planning, each contact point of the interaction between the brand and consumers is reasonably planned by studying the real experience path of consumers.
The brand IP and various derivatives will be vividly displayed to achieve heavy experience, strong interaction, and enhance customers' brand memory of KAMO.





In terms of IP application, the exclusive IP device of the brand is exposed at the entrance. A black cat dressed in yellow work clothes is naturally lazy and relaxed and has the attribute
of "professional milk stepping",which intuitively feels the youth, cool and interesting space emanating from the visual.




IP is the best identity to link the brand and consumers. Therefore, in the advertising materials and pictures of the brand space,the designer implanting
the cat language system,emphasizing the KAMO own cultural concept, talking with young consumers,and constantly strengthening the cognition
of KAMO itself as a professional "massage master".On top of that, he is also a fun social player. no, a social pusher!




Professional masseurs have a knack for manipulation and force. Designers also uphold the spirit of this craft, in the space design of the "power" is just right.
Such as the top of the cashier area after the cat paw print and the "press and rise" of the arc wall, and massage "push, knead" and other moves have the same wonderful.
Every undulating shape, as if recording the fall in love of the masseur.




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